Whistler is built with Expo (https://expo.io/).

Expo collects very little data, and nothing that identifies end-users of Whistler. The service is primarily used for receiving app updates. 

No personal information is ever sent to Expo servers. Expo’s full privacy policy can be found here: https://expo.io/privacy-explained.

Whistler requires that you sign into the app to use it. We do this so that we can ban users who violate our code of conduct. When you sign into Whistler, your email address and a unique identifier are stored with our service. 

We will only ever use your email address to contact you if you violate the code of conduct. We never share your email with third parties. 

If you wish to close your account, you can send an email to support@thewhistlerapp.com.

Closing your account will remove your email from our records.

Messages sent in the app are stored on Whistler’s servers for one day (we keep them around a little after the game has ended so that we can investigate any reports of inappropriate conduct). After one day, these messages are permanently deleted. 

The messages you send are associated with your account, which allows us to investigate reports of inappropriate conduct. This information is not shared with other users of the app.

This is the only information that goes to or is stored on Whistler’s servers.

For any questions related to privacy, please contact us at support@thewhistlerapp.com